"A Soldier's Goodbye"
When I received many pictures from Charles's wife, I knew that this one had to be painted. I couldn't do it for the Military Museum because it was to be only of the serviceman.
Carol had told me that this was his last outing with Jackson, and the look on his face, and the whole way they sadly connected, hands and heart, was something I had to try to capture. The one I did for the family was in oil and I had entered it in the Portrait Society of Atlanta, where it was awarded an honorable mention. The family picked it up when the exhibit was over, and it now belongs to them.
I could not get that scene out of my mind so I did it in pastel, which is the one above. There was so much quiet emotion, that it had to be painted again! A father in turmoil, and a little innocent boy, just so trusting and safe in his daddy's lap.
As it has turned out the painting resides forever in our new and beautiful library, having been purchased and donated by Dr. Jon and Cathy Simpson.
I am so glad that Charles and Jackson will have that moment in time, forever.